Attorney General Curtis Hill


Curtis Hill is a lifelong Hoosier, born and raised in Elkhart, Indiana, who has spent his entire life serving his community and state.

The youngest of five children, Curtis grew up in a working-class family. His father served in the U.S. Army before working as a letter carrier for the U.S. Postal Service and as a successful insurance agent. His mother was a licensed beautician and designed her own clothing company.

Curtis’ parents embody the American experience, and they played an instrumental role in making Curtis the leader he is today. In the 1960s, Curtis’ family was the first to integrate their neighborhood. His father was a civil rights activist and president of the local NAACP. His father’s activism influenced many of Curtis’ childhood experiences. Growing up in a community hesitant to change, Curtis witnessed attacks against the Hill family that became increasingly personal and violent, including an attack during which a Molotov cocktail was thrown onto the roof of their home. One of Curtis’ earliest memories is from the following day — when his father brought home a brand new shotgun, taught his children how to use it, and placed the loaded gun behind his bedroom door, where it remained until the day he died. Curtis’ father did not live in fear and did not let the threats deter his family or force them to move.

These experiences instilled in Curtis a fighting spirit and a dedication to the rule of law. Curtis’ father influenced his life and taught him about courage, conviction, and leading by example. His mother was a testament to strength and independence. Despite adversity and obstacles, Curtis’ parents stood firm in their beliefs and instilled in him a zeal for life, liberty, and the pursuit of justice.

After graduating from Elkhart Central High School, Curtis enrolled at Indiana University Bloomington, where he received his Bachelor of Science in Marketing and, immediately after, his Doctor of Jurisprudence from Indiana University School of Law. It is also where Curtis met and fell in love with his wife, Teresa. Fate brought them together, and faith bound them to one another for the rest of their lives. After law school, Curtis moved back to Elkhart to begin practicing law. Not long after, he and Teresa, a schoolteacher, were married. Together, they are the proud parents of five children.

After practicing law in the private sector and serving as a part-time deputy prosecutor, Curtis ran for county prosecutor in 2002, transforming the county’s part-time prosecutorial role to a full-time position to protect the people of Elkhart County. As county prosecutor, Curtis made the Elkhart Prosecutor’s Office the most respected full-time office in Indiana. Under Curtis’ leadership, the Elkhart Prosecutor’s Office targeted violent criminals and drug traffickers that committed the vast majority of crime, significantly decreasing violent crime.

In 2016, Curtis ran for attorney general of Indiana on a platform of supporting law and order and fighting burdensome overreach by the federal government. In 2016, Curtis received the most statewide votes of any candidate in Indiana history, including President Donald Trump.

As attorney general, Curtis transformed the attorney general’s office from a red-tape bureaucracy to an efficiency-driven office, standing for justice and defending the rights of the people of Indiana. Curtis introduced several drug rehab programs, implemented tough-on-crime drug interdiction initiatives, and provided law enforcement agencies with the tools, training, and resources necessary to combat violent crime. As attorney general, Curtis fought against the weaponization of justice and stood up to Indianapolis’ political gamesmanship. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Curtis stood up to executive orders of the Governor, Washington bureaucrats, and Indianapolis lawmakers to protect and defend the rights of businesses, churches, and schools to remain open without government interference. Curtis developed a reputation for doing the right thing and getting things done through his executive leadership, making the attorney general’s office Indiana’s most effectively run government office under his leadership.

Curtis stood alongside President Donald Trump, advocating for conservative change and Indiana values. In the wake of school shootings, President Trump sought Curtis' advice on ensuring our schools are safe for our children without infringing on the rights of legal gun owners. A friend of President Trump, Curtis also stood alongside the President to advocate for our children through the National Child ID Act, which provided attorney generals with the resources to provide identification kits for missing children. He also stood with President Trump to support additional mental health resources amid the Covid-19 pandemic as kids were forced out of school during their developmental years.

As governor, Curtis will revive the spirit of Indiana by inspiring Hoosiers through his work ethic, optimism, and lifelong leadership experience. Curtis will ensure Indiana can attract business and compete with neighboring states and economies through government reform, educational freedom, and economic opportunity. Guided by his faith, Curtis strongly advocates for traditional values and conservative governance. From his early days as a county prosecutor to his successful tenure as attorney general, Curtis has been a servant leader who has done the heavy lifting to defend and protect Hoosier values. Curtis is living the American dream.

All Sessions by Attorney General Curtis Hill