Flee To The Mountains thru Eagle’s Nest Institute.

Our Eagle’s Nest Institute is like a family retreat. One which provides a disconnect from the busyness of life and helps you reconnect to one another as a family. Having the opportunity to “recharge” with family can be such a blessing, which is why CFADD is offering Eagle’s Nest Institute. Eagle’s Nest Family Institute is an opportunity to enhance your family experience through biblical instruction and application about God’s perfect design.

Why “Eagle’s Nest”? How will it impact your family?

1. One male and female eagle build nest and mate together, for life.

The bald eagle’s divorce rate is far less than the American divorce rate, because eagles’ mate for life. Every year, they meet at the same nesting area to build and mate. Despite the LGBTQ efforts in society, it is statistically proven that the life span experience is more pleasurable when individuals marry and have kids according to God’s perfect will.

Genesis 2:21-24 (KJV) “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”

The Eagles’ Nest Institute supports and encourages married couples to build life based on a biblical worldview and God first lifestyle, from newlyweds to couples with many years of life married together. For the individual that isn’t married, the Eagle’s Nest Institute gives a biblical worldview on being single and biblical instruction on how to prepare for marriage.

2. Eagle’s build their nest in the tallest living tree.

To ensure eagles and their offspring is protected from other harmful wildlife and weather conditions, the eagle’s select their nesting site at the tallest tree. Christian Families Against Destructive Decisions fight for the family is driven to restore the biblical foundations of each home, as a result, the church and society and flourish. For each family to be successful, requires gaining a biblical worldview.

Ezra 6:21 (KJV) “The sons of Israel who returned from exile and all those who had separated themselves from the impurity of the nations of the land to join them, to seek the Lord God of Israel, ate the Passover.”

The generational destruction of family will only be repaired through the word of God. The Eagles’ Nest Institute teaches families to succeed through the word of God. Each family member will learn the importance family and how each role (dad, mom and child) lends to its survival and flourishing. which leads to individual and family transformation to ensure our children the future they deserve.

3. Eagles soar!

After a few short runs, fledglings began to soar. No matter the condition your family, in the Lord will give you grace to “raise the foundation of many generations and be called a repairer of the breach (Isaiah 58:12).” Through biblical instruction your family will be soar above the consequences of the family breakdown which includes divorce, unfaithfulness, health issues, emotional stress, educational failure, family dysfunction, anger, poverty, drug abuse, and incarceration and fatherlessness.

,Isaiah 40:31 (KJV) “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”

“Each godly decision is an investment into a great future”, Apostle Tommy E. Quick. Join the Eagle’s Nest Family Institute, make your family CFADD strong and arise out of generational demise to the glory of God.

Coming Soon! Come back for dates and time of the beginning and how you can take your family to the mountain. ,www.cfadd.org

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